F2F Class Notes 23rd February (Raph)


Sanity (n): 1- the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health.
E.g.: I began to doubt my own sanity.

Crucify (v): 1- to kill someone by tying or fastening them with nails to a cross and leaving them there to die ​ informal to severely punish or damage someone or something.
E.g.: The Bible says Jesus was crucified.
E.g.: He’s going to crucify me when he finds out what I’ve done!

Fossil (n): 1- the shape of a bone, a shell, or a plant or animal that has been preserved in rock for a very long period.
E.g.: They found a dinosaur fossil buried in the cliff.

Archeology (n): 1- the scientific study of material remains (such as fossil relics, artifacts, and monuments) of past human life and activities
E.g.: He decided to study archeology after learning about dinosaurs.