F2F Class Notes 22nd September (Eddie)

garbage can =

absent-minded adj = no focused on the action you are doing at the moment, thinking about something else


I absent mindedly threw away my baguette instead of the plastic bag I had in my other hand.

bagel =

bun =

pretzel =

pretzel =

baguette = a type of thin, long bread, common in France

croissant =

pain au chocolat =

What have you been doing?

gap = distance between two items

age gap = the difference in age

income gap =

education gap =

a lot of new couples =

apartment =/= department

I bought it four years ago, when the prices were low.

a pair of shoes can be cheap or expensive

the price of the pair of shoes can be high or low

products are cheap or expensive, prices are high or low.


Yesterday a list of Michelin-start restaurants was announced to people. The list just included some restaurants locating in shanghai. Most of restaurants on the list supplied Cantonese dish,only a little of restaurants sold shanghai dish. It sounded sad to shanghainese. Actually here are lot of delicious native dishes. However, result of making these dishes too difficult, less of Chiefs can cook these because they need a lot of time to practice their skills.


Yesterday a list of restaurants that were recently awarded Michelin stars was announced. The list only includes restaurants located in Shanghai. Most of restaurants on the list offer Cantonese dishes, and only a few of them serve Shanghai dishes, which came as a disappointment to the Shanghainese, especially considering the fact that there are lots of delicious local delicacies. It is true however, that fewer and fewer chefs are able to make them because of how difficult they can be and the time it takes to develop their skills.