F2F Class Notes 22nd May (Celeste)

Was it scary? = Was it dangerous / frightening?

Were you scared? = were you afraid?

On the fourth day we went to the Tiger Kingdom, on schedule.

On the fourth day we went to the Tiger Kingdom, as planned.

I planned to go to the TK on the fourth day.

The plane is on schedule.

We are on schedule, the party starts in 1 hour and all the food is ready.

What’s on the schedule for today?

1 bag / 1+ bags

eg. I have 10 bags.

baggage / luggage

I have a lot of baggage/luggage.

mosquito / mosquito bite ( muss kee toe )

eg. I hate mosquitos. – noun

eg. I have a mosquito bite. – noun

eg. Mosquitos bite me all the time. – verb

eg. A mosquito bit my ear last night. – past


On the first day, we arrived at Qing Mai airport at 2:30. We applied for visas on arrival and paid for 1,000 and 200 for tips. Then we got our baggage and got in a bus for 100 Thai baht. About 10 minutes we arrived at our hotel. We stayed in the hotel for 2 nights and on the 3rd day we moved to another beautiful hotel. I like the second hotel very much because it is only 12 deluxe rooms and it’s a very small and romantic garden hotel.


On the first day, we arrived at Qing Mai airport at 2:30pm. We paid 1,000 for visas on arrival and 200 for tips. Then we got our baggage and got in a bus for 100 Thai baht. In about 10 minutes we arrived at our hotel. We stayed in the hotel for 2 nights and on the 3rd day we moved to another beautiful hotel. I like the second hotel very much because it has only 12 deluxe rooms and it’s a very small and romantic garden hotel.