F2F Class Notes 22nd May (Celeste)

ensemble – on som bull, outfit, clothes

eg. You have a nice ensemble on today! Your dress and shoes are awesome!

So without further ado = So let’s start/begin

annual = ann you ull

naked = nay kid

silhouette = sil low ette, shape of sth/sb

ow – cow, gow, now

gown – please remember to open your mouth more the the ‘ow’ and remember the n

popped pimples = when sb tries to get rid of a pimple

excessive = x sess iv, too much of sth

eg. He drank an excessive amount of alcohol.

mistress = miss triss

When a married man has a girlfriend, the girlfriend is a mistress.

decked out = a lot of sth

eg. Michelle is decked out in all white.

breath (breth) [noun]

eg. breath of fresh air

breathe (bree the)  [verb]

just breathe and relax