F2F Class Notes 22nd July (Jesse) ***

Use words from today in some writing: talk about the children in your family. 

you have 10RMB, and I have more (11rmb+ )

I have more money than you.

You have a little money, and I have a little too.

eventually < > soon 
eg. eventually your English will be good.
eg2. soon your English will be OK

were you late today? No I wasn’t late, I was on time

As soon as Penny arrived, Jesse went to the bathroom.
While Penny was arriving, Jesse was going to the bathroom.

yesterday I stayed at home, i reviewed notes, watched tv and played with 2 children who are my neices.

stay / live 
i live in Shanghai – long time (zhu)
i stay in Shanghai – short time (zai)

neice = girl (sister / brother’s children)
nephew = boy (sister / brother’s children)

play with toys / things / people

play games / sports

when i took the bus, I thought it was really uncomforable. I didn’t take the bus yesterday because the weather was bad.

i bought a bike and they delivered it to my office, so i had to ride it home. So, then, when i got home, i was really sweaty and tired.

deliver = song
eg. I asked them to deliver it to me at my office
eg2. the delivery company delivered the bike to my office

sweaty = chu han
eg. I get really sweaty in summer

my favourite high school teacher: 

she is my major teacher, she is old and she from shanghai. she has brown short hair, she is taller than my and she is really kind and sometimes is very serious. Once, she tell me “you should hard study clothes design, i think you will be good at it. 

she was my teacher at high school who taught me fashion design which is my major at university. She is a little old and she is from shanghai. she has short brown hair, and is taller than me and she is really kind and sometimes is very serious. Once, she told me “you should study clothes design hard , i think you will be good at it. 

i hard study – i hardly study = i only study a little
eg. I study English really hard

I study really hard = i study a lot

once = sui bian yi ci

My Chinese speaking is bad
I am bad at speaking Chinese
I am bad at Chinese.

i studied teaching / i studied education

industry – hang ye
eg. i want to work in the fashion design industry

– jing yan
eg2. how much experience do you have in the fashion design industry