F2F Class Notes 22nd February (Jesse)


Record yourself doing an IELTS question part 2 and do the same question over and over in front of the mirror. Listen back to it and try to make it better and faster.

A good looking person

Q: Describe someone who you think is beautiful or handsome
Who it is
What they look like
How you knew them
Why you think he/she is good looking

why is it important?

say what you think about the reason, and the show the alternative as negative.

so that’s why I think it’s important
so that’s one of the reasons
so that’s what happens if people don’t have friends

Describe a band or singer that you like
Who it is
What kind of music they play
How you knew him / her
Why do you like them

The singer that I want to introduce is….
Wang Faye (most famous in china / since the 90s / 40 something)
Pop (very diverse / rock sometimes, classical sometimes / amazing voice / best song writing team)
high school magazine and she was the cover