F2F Class Notes 22nd August (Raph)

Publicize (v): 1- make (something) widely known.
E.g.: He didn’t want his secret to be publicized.

Well known (adj): 1- widely or generally known.
E.g.: He is well known for his philanthropy

It was widely publicized that the actor named WangBaoQiang, who divorced his wife recently, was not a very nice guy.
It was widely publicized that the actor named WangBaoQiang divorced his wife recently.
It was widely publicized that he divorced his wife recently.
It is very easy to see that Lex, who comes to SE everyday, is getting better and better in English.
It is very easy to see that Lex comes to SE everyday and is getting better and better in English.

Education is huge businesses in China, especially oversea studying. I heard that a child would spend 4million CNY from secondary school to university. It is to miraculous to believe it. However, it is a truth. More and more kids go abroad to study when they are little. They have to leave their parents and live in the school after class. Compared to their studying, I am concerned (about) whether they can enjoy their oversea life and make friends.

Education is a huge business in China, especially overseas studying. I heard that a child spends 4 million CNY from secondary school to university. It seems hard to believe, but it is the truth. More and more kids go abroad to study when they are little. They have to leave their parents and live in the school after class. I am concerned that the parents only care about their studies, but not about whether they can enjoy their lives overseas and make friends.