F2F Class Notes 22nd April (Tony) [S]


it is tiring, so I’m tired.

some news(N.)

a news(adj.) article(N.)

the news

a news

I got to (do something) – to be happy you are able to do it, happy to have the chance

eg: I got to sleep in today, I’m so happy 🙂

eg: I got to try some new cake today, it was interesting.

eg: Two years ago I got to take a trip to Hainan with my mother.

had to/have to – to be forced to do something

eg: I had to work overtime.

eg: I had to wait 1 hour for the bus.

settle down – to become more stable and not change as many things

eg: I want to settle down, so I’ll keep my job.

nutrition – health benefits of food

eg: Now people are realizing nutrition is better than medicine.

nutrient – the healthy thing in the food, Protein(meat), Sugar, Vitamins

eg: Vegetables have the most nutrients, more than meat and fruit.

herbal (adj.) – plants used for medicine or food

eg: Indian cooking herbs are very different.

eg: Herbal medicine can be better than western medicine.

Speaking exercise

Original –

I read a news on the subway today. Which is talking about the skin of vegetables or fruit is very healthy. But many people peel it because they think there are many pesticide. so they peel everything, like apples, potatoes, tomato and so on, but the scientist said the skin of food is the benefit part. especially the dark color food and the benefit of this is overweigh than the dangerous of the pesticide.


I read some news on the subway today. Which said the skin of vegetables or fruits is very healthy. But many people peel it because they think there are many pesticides on it. So they peel everything, like apples, potatoes and tomatoes.  But the scientist in this article said the skin of food has the most nutrients. Especially darker colored food, and the benefits outweigh the dangers of the pesticides.


cure – Kyu er, Kyeer