F2F Class Notes 22 June (Peter)


It made me wetIt got me wet

I didn’t bring one, too – I didn’t bring one either

Rain heavy – rain heavily

When I get out, it didn’t start raining – when I got off of work, it wasn’t raining

What’s she name – what’s her name

Make you crazy – drive you crazy



Emphasis – in reference to pronunciation, it means 重音

Twist – 扭曲

Tongue Twisters – a sentence with very difficult pronunciation that it tricky to say, 绕口令

Helicopter/Chopper – 直升机


The word “can,” in reference to 罐, can be either a noun or a verb.

Ex. My mother likes to can fruit = my mother like to put fruit in cans.


To bust (out) a rhyme – to say something that rhymes while you’re speaking casually


Fifty (FIFF-tee)

Fifteen (fiff-TEEN)

Don’t let the “R” and the “L” get you! Practice saying this sentence: Clean clams crammed in clean cans.

Host (“O” as in “road”)