F2F Class Notes 21st June (Harmony) [1]


Last Sunday I went to visit my aunt with my mother.  There’s some problem with her eyes and will have an operation soon.  The doctor told her if she won’t have the operation immediately maybe she will go blind in the future.  When we arrived my aunt’s house she was sitting on the bed and looked a little unhappy and frail.  Initially she didn’t say a word, after a few minutes she told us something about her daughter.  She complained my cousin hadn’t seen her for two weeks and she hadn’t call her mother either.  My aunt wanted me to communicate with my cousin I tried, but didn’t succeed.


Last Sunday I went to visit my aunt with my mother.  There’s some problem/wrong with her eyes and will have an operation soon.  The doctor told her if she doesn’t have the operation immediately maybe she will go blind in the future.  When we arrived at my aunt’s house she was sitting on the bed and looked a little unhappy and frail.  Initially she didn’t say a word, after a few minutes she told us something about her daughter.  She complained that my cousin hadn’t seen her for two weeks and she hadn’t called her either.  My aunt wanted me to communicate with my cousin, I tried, but I didn’t succeed.

Obligation (ob – lih – gay – shun)



crown: a hat that a king wears.

Crowned:  was made king.

Ceremony – to showcase sth that is worth celebrating.

Eg.  Wedding ceremony/ graduation ceremony

Chef (sheff):  the cook/ the person who designs the meals.

Stage: (noun) any platform to stand on.

Eg.  The band performed on the stage.

Eg.  The graduation ceremony took place on the stage.

Award (ah – ward)

Creates (cree – ates)

Oops (oohps) – long o sound.

Texture (tex –chur): (noun) how something feels.  (in regards to food:  how food feels in your mouth)

Eg.  I don’t like this texture.

Eg.  I don’t eat cottage cheese because of the creepy texture.

Shape:  how something looks/ how it is shaped.

Eg.   A mickey mouse shaped cookie.

Diners: people that are eating.  People that are dining.

Diner:  person/ a place—a restaurant.

Tart:  a dessert that looks like a mini pie.

Pastry:  bread product.  – croissant/ tart/ pie/ muffin.

Smash:  to hit something so that it breaks.

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