F2F Class Notes 21st April (Celeste)
You’re a sucker! = You’re a wussy.
wussy = someone who is weak or not strong
pussy = someone who is weak or not strong
I’m a sucker for tall, dark and handsome!
I’m a sucker for….. = My type is…/ I fall for….
She is such a gullible person. / She is gullible.
They always make a delay. –Â They’re not efficient when they work. / They are slow.
When will you be done with this?
When will you be finished with this?
potty mouth – someone who speaks with a lot of swear words
ex: Aria, don’t be a potty mouth!
ex: You have such a potty mouth!
piss off – go away
ex: You! Piss off!
I flaked out of my class.
Min is a flake because she always cancels her classes.
depend on /rely on /counting on
depends on
ex: I want to go out tonight but it depends on what time my husband will come home to take care of Aria.
don’t die on me – can be used for electonic devices
ex: Cell phone, don’t die on me now! I need you!
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