F2F Class Notes 20th September (Raph)

Drawer (n): 1- a box-like storage compartment without a lid, made to slide horizontally in and out of a desk, chest, or other piece of furniture.
E.g.: He folded his clothes and put them in the drawer.

Stash (n): 1- A hiding place.
E.g.: They never found my small stash of money.

Tempting (adj): 1- appealing to or attracting someone, even if wrong or unwise.
E.g.: The desserts look very tempting.

Get cracking (v): 1- act quickly and decisively.
E.g.: Most tickets are already sold out, so get cracking if you want one.

Due (adj): 1- expected at or planned for at a certain time.
E.g.: The baby is due in August.

Dug = past tense of the verb “to dig”