F2F Class Notes 20th January (Tony)
I took care of the boys
during the day
Kelly is my best friend
we’ve known each other for 25 years
eight and a half years
she has a 3 year old son.
MY son is in the third grade
are parents very strict in America
pre-school – any years of school before kindergarden
eg: “My son went to pre-school when he was 2 and a half years old.” “He went to kindergarden when he was five.”
freezing – really cold
eg: “It’s freezing today.” “There’s ice in the freezer.”
chores – housework, like cleaning, laundry, cooking
eg: “My son did some chores to earn some allowance.”
I took care of the boys – (THE in this sentence means we know which boys you are talking about)
I took care of the boys, my son and his cousin. (explaining the context quickly)
safari – suh FAR ree
warned – warNd
warmed – waRMd
eg: “He warmed up some soup.” “I need to warm up, I’m freezing.”
Soup -sooop eg: “Cook some soup.”
Soap – Sohh-p “Wash your hands with soap.”
snake – SnayK eg: “I’m scared of snakes.”
snack – Snah ke eg: “Let’s get some snacks.”
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