F2F Class Notes 20th February (Raph)


Colony (n): 1- a country or area controlled politically by a more powerful country that is often far away.
E.g.: Australia and New Zealand are former British colonies.

Retreat (n): 1- a private and safe place.
E.g.: We went to a meditation retreat over the holiday.

Mindset (n): 1- person’s way of thinking and their opinions.
E.g.: Indian people have a very different mindset from the rest of the world.

Opposite (adj): 1- completely different.
E.g.: Their work had the opposite effect from what was expected.

Intuition (n): 1- an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts
E.g.: He made the right decision by following his intuition.

Improvise (v): 1- to invent or make something, such as a speech or a device, at the time when it is needed without already having planned it.
E.g.: I hadn’t prepared a speech so I had to improvise.

NGO (n): 1-  Non Governmental Organization

Acupuncture: 针刺


Emotion: /ɪˈmoʊ.ʃən/