F2F Class Notes 20th February (Celeste) [W]***


Write 2 new similar sentences for each word.


Upload your writing in your next class.

Writing exercise


When I receive something in the mail, I always open it.

When will I receive your notes/package/report/yoga schedule?

I am receiving your suggestions ( sug – jes- chins ) .

I received my birthday present from my mom last week.

I received a heart-shaped cake for our anniversary from Michel.

I received a bouquet from Michel for our anniversary.

I really love Chinese cuisine.
You can eat nearly every kind of cuisines in shanghai. – You can eat nearly every kind of cuisine in Shanghai.

every person

every animal

every house

every time

every road

every tree

The banana cake is delicious, which ingredients did you use?
I don’t know which ingredient they use to make vegetables taste like meat.

The milk tea has a lot of/many ingredients.

Recipe ( reh sip pee ) 
My mom has a secret recipe for the delicious food.
Honey can replace sugar in this recipe.

Pot is an utensil. – Forks are utensils.
Michel really like buy every kind of utensils to kitchen. – Michel really likes to buy every kind of utensil for the/our kitchen.

In the couple, everyone needs to receive some defect each other.  In relationships, everyone needs to accept each others’ faults/personalities/differences. 


utensil( you -ten – suhll )

pen ( pen – suhll )

pen cel