F2F Class Notes 1st September (Raph)

Trauma (n): 1- a very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time
E.g.: She never fully recovered from the traumas she suffered during her childhood.

Humble (adj): 1- not proud : not thinking of yourself as better than other people
E.g.: He has always been a very humble person.

Humbling (v): 1- cause (someone) to feel less important or proud.
E.g.: His experience in Africa was very humbling.

Subjective (adj): 1- based on feelings or opinions rather than facts
E.g.: Our views about the world are highly subjective and must not be treated as absolute truths.

Q: How is your week?
A: It is _____
Q: What have you been doing?
A: Not much. I’ve been busy at work and been reading a novel or playing badminton in my spare time.<

Q: How was your week?
A: It was _____.
Q: What did you do?
A: I did_____, I went to _____ and I ________.

When people feel emotionally numb, they can feel emotionally disconnected from a situation—for example, a person in a sad situation who does not feel like crying.