F2F Class Notes 1st November (Raph)


Weekend (n): 1- Saturday and Sunday
E.g.: I like to go shopping on weekends.

National Anthem (n): 1- a song that praises a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country’s song
E.g.: The Chinese National Anthem is a very beautiful song.

Wildlife (n): 1- animals living in nature : wild animals.
E.g.: We need to find ways to protect our wildlife.

Bone (n): 1- any one of the hard pieces that form the frame (called a skeleton) inside a person’s or animal’s body
E.g.: Dogs like to eat bones.

Spooky (adj): 1- scary and strange.
E.g.: His Halloween costume was very spooky.


Q: How was your day?
A: It was ____.
E.g.: happy, good, great, amazing, not so bad, not so good, terrible, boring, fun, etc.