F2F Class Notes 1st November (Raph)


Float about / float around (v): 1- if an idea, etc. is floating around, it is talked about by a number of people or passed from one person to another.
E.g.: There’s a rumor floating around that you’re thinking of leaving.

Appeal (n/v): 1- to have a quality that causes people to like someone or something.
E.g.: His ideas appeal to a lot of people.

Crime (n): 1- an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government.
E.g.: He committed a crime, so he went to jail.

Slum (n): 1- an area of a city where poor people live and the buildings are in bad condition.
E.g.: Many people still live in slums and suffer with bad conditions.

Infrastructure (n): 1- the basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly.
E.g.: The government needs to invest more on infrastructure.

Pacify (v): 1- to cause or force (a country, a violent group of people, etc.) to become peaceful.
E.g.: Things have gotten a lot better since the region was pacified.