F2F Class Notes 1st March (Tony) [W]


Phrase – a few words often used together. part of a sentence.

eg: “Go to the store,      have dinner,      send an email”

waste of time

I’m a teacher. I work in education.

I’m a finance. I’m a finance (adj) manager (n). I work in finance (N.)

I like meeting new people. (because you like meeting many times, not just meet once)

I like cats. (because you like ALL cats, not only one cat)

In class pay attention to the teacher’s question. Use the words from the question to make your answers. Always try to make sentences or at least make phrases.

For Example: When did you start having class here?

I started having class here last month.

I don’t think American food is good.

Writing exercise

Original –

My name is Angela, I’m from Shanghai, I stayed in Shanghai. I’m a finance at GIC. I like travel. I have finance for 10 years. I study English for work. I change job this month.


My name is Angela, I was born in Shanghai. I work in finance at GIC. (Global Intercapital) Actually I work for JLL and we work for GIC. We are a management company. I like travelling. I’ve been a finance manager for 10 years. I am studying English for work. I will change companies this month.