F2F Class Notes 1st March (Celeste)[W]***
Next Class: Review the new vocab below.
Writing exercise
It is a truth that Chinese like to go abroad and buy somethings. Recently, a bad news was reported by Korean journalist. It concerned that some shops were selling their fake makeups to only Chinese travelers. Shops owners always attached a notice on the window to show that these goods don’t sell to Korean. Though the owner have implied some bad news, many travelers still brought because the words was in Korean. Many people brought products from these shops because these goods were cheap. However, it cannot be the reason that saller can sell fake products to Chinese.
It is true that Chinese like to go abroad and buy things/goods/products/items. Recently, a terrible news was reported by a Korean journalist. It involved some shops who/that were selling their fake makeup to only Chinese travelers/buyers/customers/shoppers. Shop owners always attached a notice on the window to tell that these goods will not be sold to Koreans. Though the owners have warned/informed shoppers, many travelers still bought these knock-offs because the notices were in Korean. Many people bought products from these shops because these goods were cheap. Just because the products are cheap does not mean that sellers should continue to sell them, this business practice is unethical.
I want to buy something. / I want to buy some things.
knock-off/s n. – fake products
eg. I bought a knock-off at the fake market last weekend.
knock-off adj. – sth that is fake or not real
eg. I bought a knock-off Nike bag.
business practice/s n. – what a company does and how they do it
eg. Some Korean shop owners have poor business practices because they sell illegal products.
ethics n. – behavior of what is morally right and wrong
ethical vs. unethical (adj)
eg. Some people believe testing makeup for humans on animals is unethical.
eg. To help a poor man on the street is an ethical behavior.
taking advantage of sb/sth
eg. Nike is having a sale, everything is 90% off. Let’s take advantage of that sale!
eg. People who pretend to be hurt and ask people for help are taking advantage of them.
eg. My student canceled I’m going to take advantage of the situation and go get sth to eat.
eg. After having dinner I take advantage of the meal.TBC
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