F2F Class Notes 1st August (Celeste)***

Homework: Please prepare to tell a story in class or write a story using the new vocabulary from the past week. Then we will correct it in class this week.

Try to use these words: anti-social, uniquely, occasional, chant, erupt, modest, humble, wish, hope, raining cats and dogs, bathe, shower, bathtub, brave, protective, protect, treats.

angel ( ain jul )

in favor of – when we have choices/options, we choose which is our favorite, which one we want more than the other
eg. I am in favor of the blue color for the dress.

ultimate [ ull tim it ]adj. – the biggest, longest, furthest, highest…

tilting [ till ting ] v. – to lean in a certain direction, going towards

demographics n. – group of certain type of people (white men, black women, college students…)

shrink / shrinking / shrank / will shrink – to get smaller

veteran n.- person who has fought/gone to war and survived, retired from military service

turn out v.- show up and vote, go out and vote

instil – to put sth in sb

eg. Democrats will instil the fear of God in their supporters about the other candidate.