F2F Class Notes 1st August (Celeste)

Listening activity:

The traits we’ve seen every day as he’s served our country in the White House.

the sinner of our world = the center of our world

form the foundation for who they would become

make or break them =  make them successful, strong, happy or make them angry, shy rebellious

make or  break them = maker break ’em

make it or break it = make sth successful or fail

eg. This audition for the dance troop/company,  will make or break my career.

cruel – mean

bully – sb who is mean and cruel

stoop to their level – go down to their level

ghetto – the poor area where Jewish people lived during WW2

“going ghetto” / black girl attitude – when a person turns on their big/loud/strong attitude

eg. Those two girls are about to get in a fight. That one girl is going ghetto! 

eg. Stop with your black girl attitude! You’re too much!

utter – to speak/say

Every word we utter/speak/say, every action we take/do