F2F Class Notes 1st Aug (Harmony)




believable / real / true to life






robots (row – bots)

motors (mow – ters)

latest (lay – test)

problem (prob – lem/ prob – lum)

goal (gowl)

algorithms (al – gore – ih – thums):  rules in a computer program that can solve problems/deal with information.

TH – stick your tongue out.

** don’t add in extra words “a” “the”


humanity:  all humans /human beings

  1. I am a part of humanity. / I am a member of humanity.

Eg.  Pollution affects all of humanity.

I can got what he says I can get what he said.





St.  – beginning of sentence/words = saint.

St.  – end of sentence/word = street.

Joseph St. = joseph street

St. joseph = saint joseph


Saint:  any person of great holiness/ usually religious.


Missouri (miz – ur – e):  a state in the US.

Personalise (per – sun – al – eyze) (verb):  to make your own/individualize.

Eg.  When I ordered my ipad I asked them to personalize it with my name.

Eg.  I will personalize my burger because I hate tomatoes.

Eg.  I will personalize my coffee because I like more sugar than others.

Kiosk:  a booth/ a stand usually big enough for one person to stand in.  Or a structure to hold papers or a computer.

Bottomless:  no bottom.  There’s no end.

Eg.  I have a bottomless pile of work to do.

Eg.  I wish starbucks offered bottomless coffee.

Burger: slang – shortened form of hamburger.

Profit (prah – fit)

Obesity (oh – bee – sit – e)