F2F Class Notes 1st April (Tony)[W]
a stay at home mom – doesn’t work for now
In between jobs – Not working now, but will get a job later
eg: “Currently I’m in between jobs, and I’m a stay at home mom.”
Arizona – Ya li song na
eg: “I’m from Arizona.”
quote – some exact words that someone(usually well known) said.
eg: “George W. Bush(former president of USA) has some really funny quotes.”
fast- paced – moving very quickly
eg: “Shanghai has a very fast paced lifestyle.”
Writing exercise
Original –
“Rome was not built in one day”. This is my favorite Chinese proverb. It means that great things are never done without much time and efforts. As human beings,we are eager to win merits for ourselves, however, only patience and endurance can help us to succeed in performing great deeds. Difficulties are in fact unavoidable, unless we do not engage in anything at all. We can’t achieve success without every single accumulation. Studying English is also the same. To learn English well, we have to spend a lot of time and practice everyday.
Correction –
“Rome was not built in one day”. This is my favorite Chinese proverb. It means that great things are never achieved without much time and effort. As human beings, we are eager to win merits for ourselves, however, only patience and endurance can help us to succeed in performing great deeds for humanity. Difficulties are in fact unavoidable, unless we do not engage in anything at all. We can’t achieve success without the cumulative(adj.) efforts of all people. Studying English is also the same. To learn English well, we have to invest a lot of time and practice everyday. Eventually we will become fluent in English if we don’t give up.
human – Hue men
humanity – Hue Man i tee
endurance – en der-rance
eventually – E ven-Che lee
Use today’s Vocabulary to tell a short story.
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