F2F Class Notes 1st April (Celeste)

 tights / hosiery – thin, stretchy socks with legs, like pants

Did you play a trick on someone?

Did you get tricked?

It’s legal. ( law)

It’s allowed. ( permitted)

January first (1st) / the first of January

Those people were laughed at by the other people who had known the calendar changed.

There were some/part of people who didn’t want to follow the calendar change.

There have been some oranges on the desk. – There were some oranges on the desk.

There have been stories of people getting bit by sharks. / There are stories of people getting bit by sharks.

There have been some incidents of buildings collapsing. / There are some incidents of buildings collapsing.

There have been stories of ghosts in this old home. / There are stories of ghosts in this old home.

Have you been to the beach?

Can you see the beach / coast?

A beach can be a coast, but a coast cannot always be a beach.