F2F Class Notes 19th September (Raph)

Headhunter (n): 1- a corporation or individual that provides employment recruiting services.
E.g.: A headhunter told me I should get a new English name.

Capitalism (n): 1- an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
E.g.: We live in the era of free-market capitalism.

Communism (n): 1- a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community (or the government) and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.
E.g.: According to the government, communism is still the base of Chinese society.

Flashy (adj): 1- bright or fancy in a way that is meant to attract attention.
E.g.: He always wanted to have flashy cars.

Subtle (adj): 1- hard to notice or see : not obvious.
E.g.: When it comes to giving criticism, sometimes it’s best to take a subtle approach.

Preserve (v): 1- to keep (something) in its original state or in good condition.
E.g.: The government should make an effort to try to preserve historical sites.

Infrastructure (n): 1- the basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly.
E.g.: China has invested a lot in infrastructure in the past thirty years.