Open F2F Class Notes 19th November (Tony)

EDM – Email Direct Marketing


pyramid – a 3d shape with 4 points at the bottom and one at the top

multi-level marketing

Original –

Social media

Some digital campaigns I did , the clients of them have preferred to making social buzz through social media such as weibo and wechat. They thought that social is one important part of integrated marketing communication, and also consumers are willing to spend more time in that.

For now today, social is not the newest traffic to spared brand massages but it turns to be first priority. Let me give a for instance, the event marketing of the Big Book-Loss Challenge, the sponsors are making lots of social buzz around the many social platforms, actually it was an offline event, and the mechanism of it was just drop off books in the public place , most of books be lost in the subways. The official purpose of this event is to initiative more people to read books. Regard of social buzz of the event, it really helped this event to raise enough awareness. How to use social better in different brand’s activities ? It is need to be thought more.


Social media

Some clients of digital campaigns I have done, preferred to make buzz through social media, like weibo and wechat. They thought that it’s one important part of integrated marketing communication, and also consumers are willing to spend more time on that.

Social media is not the newest kind of traffic to spread brand messages but it turns out to be the first priority. For instance, the event marketing of the Big Book-Loss Challenge, the sponsors are making lots of social buzz around many platforms. Actually it was an offline event, and the mechanism of it was to just drop off books in public places, most of the books were lost in the subway. The official purpose of this event is to get more people to read books. Regarding social buzz of the event, it really helped to raise enough awareness. How to use social media better in different brand’s activities? It needs more thought.