F2F Class Notes 19th July (Celeste)

I’m sticky. – I’m melting, my skin is sweaty.

Topic: Restaurant Etiquette
1. Never Never Never be mean or rude to your server.

2. Never Never Never call for your server or flag them down / wave them down.

Excuse me, may order now? / I’d like to order. / I’m ready to order.

Tips to order:

***When you are finished looking at the menu and you know what you want to eat, close your menu and place it on the table.

“I would like the _____.”

If you have questions for your server:

“What’s your favorite thing/dish on the menu?”

“What’s the most popular dish?”

“Which do you prefer, this one or this one?”

When sth is unpleasant:

“I just don’t really like it. ”

“It wasn’t what I was expecting.”

“I was eating and I found this…”

take it off the bill / comped ( comp t ) – when an item is removed from your bill

long she lan (dragon tongue flower) – tequila