F2F Class Notes 18th November (Tony)


This morning as soon as I opened my computer my phone started ringing, there was some members of the financial staff looking for me.

they can see me through Skype – they can see my status on Skype, if I’m online or not

there are many shandong people who went to dongbei, so most dongbei people came from shandong.

their government is in charge of their area


Status – the situation at a particular time during a process e.g.: “As soon as I open my computer my colleagues can see my status on Skype, so they know if I’m online.”

Region – a large area, usually in a country it is bigger than a province. e.g.: “The Dongbei region in China is very cold.”

regional (adj) eg: “I need to prepare regional support for my colleagues.”

field – a large open natural area. e.g.: “If you’re a farmer you need fields to plant your crops.”

Confucius – Kong Zi, a Chinese philospher. eg: “Confucius is from the area that is now Shandong”

Territory – an area that one person, group, animal, etc. considers as their own and defends against others who try to enter it e.g.: “China used to have many territories, but now they are all part of Mainland China.”

一国两制 – one country, two systems e.g.” Our country treats Taiwan and Hong Kong as one country, two systems.”

Contract – he tong, a legal agreement between two parties. e.g.: “They broke the contract, so they must pay a huge fine.”

calculation – the act or process of using numbers to find out an amount e.g.: “We need to finish last year’s calculations before we plan a new budget.”

calculator – a machine or app to process numbers e.g.: “My friend is so smart, he’s like a human calculator.”

application – shenqing – a form to request something e.g.: “They need to file an application before they can continue.”

file – to put on record or make official. e.g.: “I filed a complaint, so now the manager will be able to check the history of this later.”