F2F Class Notes 18th March (Joseph)


The world is not black and white, it is made up of many different shades of grey.

Debt – when someone takes a loan and still has to pay the bank back. (e.g. Because I have taken so many loans from my bank, I am now in so much debt.)

Mortgage – a special type of loan specifically to buy a house. (e.g. I recently gave my down payment to the bank so now I have a mortgage to buy a house.)

Down payment – the money you have to pay the bank before they will give you a loan. (e.g. The down payment for my mortgage was 10%.)


The Chinese government should concentrate on improving China’s education system before trying to increasing the economic performance of tier 1 cities (Shanghai, Beijing…)

You are for this statement (you agree with it)

Prepare you argument and write down lots of FACTS not only opinions.