Open F2F Class Notes 18th March (Daniel)
Comprehensive – including all or everything
He didn’t require everyone to speak in the meeting.
Assess – place a value on; judge the worth of something
He recognized my hardworking last year.
Qualified – meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task
Wisdom – accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment
Email Review: Original
Today is Friday, and I most like Friday. We will end one week’s working. This week was a busy work week . I was working on splitting the next year’s budget to every month all the time and upload them to the system. Next week, maybe i will not be busy, and will have some free time. I think it’s the right working way. If 8 hours work time has been fully utilized, we will feel tired. But if not, the boss will cry, haha. Next Wednesday is my daughter ‘s birthday, as it is a work day, I will help her to celebrate birthday in this weekend. Although, she doesn’t know the meaning of birthday, but I think that she experience this time, she will know.
Today is Friday, and I like Friday the most. We will finish one week’s work. This week was a busy working week. I was working on allocating the next year’s budget the whole week and uploaded the figures to the system. Next week, maybe I will not be as busy as this week, and will have some spare time. I think it’s the right way of working. If 8 hours of work is fully utilized, we will be tired. But if not, the boss will be upset. Next Wednesday is my daughter‘s birthday, because it is a work day, we will celebrate this weekend. Although, she probably doesn’t understand the meaning of birthday, but I think she may understands a bit after this time.
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