F2F Class Notes 18th March (Celeste)

If I drive car, it will spend over an hour. – If I drive/ If I drive a car, it will take over an hour.

I ask for leave. –  I asked for the day off.

I need to have a rest. –  I don’t want to go to work. / I need the day off./ I need a break from work.

Have a good night’s rest!

I want to ask for a leave on Friday. I want to ask for a day off. / I want to ask for the day off on Friday.

Yesterday, my friend called me and asked me, “Do you want to go to a drawing session with me?”  So, I agreed to meet him. We went to the bar today at 3pm and there were so many people. There was a male model.

He kept his sight on him. /He kept his gaze on him. / He kept his eyes on him.

He began to hit on him. / He began to flirt with him.

I just knew that news recently. – They just told me their news recently.  / I just heard their recent news.

registry – a list of things from a store/shop that the wedding couple wants for presents for their wedding

They didn’t ask me for a wedding present.