F2F Class Notes 18th January (Celeste) [S]***


Write a summary about one episode of a TV series you are watching. Upload your writing in your next F2F class.

Speaking exercise

Recently I have been watching a very famous series of American named House Cards. It’s very fantastic but actually I didn’t understand it at all but my husband the whole picture of this series to me because he read a lot of description about this series and he watched many times so he can totally understand it. Another reason I cannot understand the meaning I didn’t know is the background of American government. So, I needed to find some knowledge of these aspect/American government.

The main character named Frank. He is a senator of the government. At first, and when the new president is on board he promised to Frank will let him to be a secretary of the state but the promise didn’t come true. So Frank determined decided to give a revenge to president/let president to pay back…


Recently I have been watching a very famous American series named House of Cards. It’s very fantastic, but actually I don’t understand it at all so my husband explained the whole picture to me. He read a lot of online summaries about this one/series  and he watched  it many times so he can totally understand it. Another reason I cannot understand the meaning is I didn’t know the background of the American government. So, I needed to find some background information/history of the American government.

The main character is named Frank who is a senator.  When the new president was inaugurated  he promised Frank that he will let Frank be/become Secretary of the State but his promise wasn’t kept So Frank was determined to get revenge on the president.


keep your promise

wishes come true

get revenge on sb/sth