F2F Class Notes 18th April (Cricket)


major move– significant change

eg. Shanghai’s new no smoking law is a major move.

eg. Beijing shutting down all its coal plants was a major move towards air quality.

spin-off– to describe something that is characteristically associated with another thing, idea, product eat-something that is imitative or derivative of an earlier work, product, idea ect.

eg. A veggie burger is a spin-off of the original burger.

eg. iPhone was the only phone of its kind all other rectangular phones made after were spin-offs of the original touchscreen rectangular iPhone.

up to the task-means to be willing to do it, often in spite of the difficulties or challenges it poses.

eg. I need the whole house cleaned before my parents come home. Are you up to the task?

allocate-To set apart for a special purpose; designate

eg. We need to allocate funds for the new projects.

aggregation-a whole formed by combining several separate elements

eg. The council was an aggregate of three regional assemblies.