F2F Class Notes 18 Feb (Trista)
I will take my daughter to visit – to took my daughter to visit
They have the same age – they are the same age
She is not care of her family… – she doesn’t care if her family….
She’s afraid of strangers for no reason, but if her family is mad at her, she isn’t scared at all.
Immune system – body’s natural way to protect itself from sickness/disease
Strong or good / weak
Sometime – a time in the future
Do you want to go get some coffee together sometime?
I need that progress report sometime soon.
Sometimes – occasionally
Sometimes she turns on the water faucet and plays in the sink.
Water faucet – metal thing that water comes out of
Before we have a meal, we will open the water faucet and clean our hands.
Before we eat, we turn on the water faucet and wash our hands.
Pile (v or n) – things stacked (put/placed) on top of each other / the process of doing that
There is a pile of clothes on your bed.
There is a pile of books on my desk.
Let’s pile the rocks over in that corner.
I piled dish to wait the guest coming.
I piled the dishes to wait for the guests that are coming. – makes sense, but “stacked” would be more suitable. Pile can mean messy- no order. To stack (verb) something is to pile it neatly, one thing on top of the next.
There is a stack (noun) of menus by the waitress.
Pile up – car crash with more than two cars
Four car pile up on the highway
In my child I often went to outside – In my childhood I often went outside
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