F2F Class Notes 17th September(Peter)


(Original – corrected)

As the weather is hot, I didn’t go outsince/because the weather was hot, I didn’t go out

I want (past) – I wanted

I don’t interested in country – I’m not interested in borders



Desert – a kind of land that is very dry, 沙漠

Dessert – sweets normally eaten after a meal, 甜品

Syllable – the smallest part of a word, 音节

Ex. A word with two syllables is “desert.”

Coast – land that touches the ocean, 海边

Border – the line that separates two countries, 边缘地区

Separate – verb, to divide, 间

Separate – adjective, divided


Normally, the word as means “during” (的时候)

Ex. He sings as he showers.


Desert (DEH-zirt)*

*Note: remember that one “S” means the first syllable is more important

Dessert (dih-ZIRT)*

*Note: remember the two “S’s” means the second syllable is more important.

Culture (CUL-churr)

Country (CUN-chreE)

Separate (SEH-puh-rate)