F2F Class Notes 17th November (Lina)


If they are interested about our product –  If they are interested in our product

Because my first job is to be a secretary and I think it’s too boring –  Because my first job was to be a secretary and I think it’s too boring

Cold calling – when you call random people trying to sell them something

At my current job I have to do a lot of cold calling and I do not like it at all.

I want to go to travel around the world –  I want to go travel around the world

International economy and tradingInternational economy and trade

Consumer behavior – Why consumers make the decisions that they do, and how to affect them i.e. how to get them to buy your product.

It can make me to know what they are thinking about –  It can make me understand what they are thinking about

Segmenting– Identifying the potential targets (meaning peope) that might be interested to buy a specific product or Idea.

Product= baby clothes

Segment: people who buy baby clothes e.g. parents to small children.

Targeting – how to deliver the offer to the customer – which method to use

Target:  reach parents in Shanghai through local media

I would send my resume to the different company  I would send my resume to the other company (specific one)  / I would send my resume to different companies

I always at home reading books – I’m

Artifacts -人工制品

I’m reading a novel about stolen artifacts