F2F Class Notes 17th May (Celeste) [3]

3: Technique: Grammar/Pro: review + free talk on topic (focus on errors)

Words to use in the review: every day/ morning, introduce, as I planned, late, later, at night


Recently, I have practice how to introduce this community because when I introduce to clients about this community I always took little oral Chinese so, as I planned I practiced the speech myself at night. Now, I changed it better. Every work day, after I receive a client I have a pay attention my speech. Later, I will practice continuing.


Recently, I have practiced how to introduce this community because when I introduce to clients about this community I always spoke a little oral Chinese. So, as I planned, I practiced the speech by myself at night. Now, I made my introduction better. Every work day, after I receive a client I have to pay attention to my speech. Later, I will continue to practice.

word of mouth

eg. they found out about us through word of mouth


practiced ( practice t )

asked (ask t )

missed ( mist )

New topic:

play on the

I play on my phone

I play on the computer

I played a game on my phone

I play a game called plants vs. zombies on my phone

vs = versus ( ver siz )

I play plants vs. zombies on my phone

write this: 28th April / 28th of April / April 28th

2016-04-28 (Chinese) 

04-28-2016 (American)

28-04-2016 (French/European)

say this: 28th of April

Today is the seventeenth of May, two thousand sixteen.

Tomorrow is the eighteenth of May, two thousand sixteen.

Yesterday was the sixteenth of May, two thousand sixteen.

I don’t afraid.

I am not afraid of that.

I’m not afraid to talk for 40 minutes.

I’m not afraid to tell a story.