F2F Class Notes 17th December (Tony)


I clap you – I applaud you


throw the baby out with the bath water –  used to suggest an avoidable error in which something good is eliminated when trying to get rid of something bad

reject – to refuse to accept eg: “I asked her on a date, but she rejected me.”

eliminate – to get rid of some, out of many options eg: “We have eliminated many candidates

by the skin of my teeth – Usually used in regard to a narrow escape from a disaster.

eg: “We were climbing an icey mountain and didn’t bring  a jacket, suddenly it got dark and very cold, so we couldn’t see how to climb down the mountain; we found another way down and got back to our car by the skin of our teeth.” “I cheated on the test and by the skin of my teeth, didn’t get caught.”

word of mouth – information that has spread simply by people talking about it

eg: “Their business spread by word of mouth.”


Vietnam – Vee-et Nahm