F2F Class Notes 16th October (Tony)

I really busy – I’m really busy

Usually(adv) – eg:” I usually have 4 classes a day.” Usual – eg: “I have more classes than usual.”

Common – very normal eg: “In Japan it is uncommon to change your job.” “In the USA it’s common to change your job every few years.”

a few – more than one, but not many. eg: “A few of my friends are from Europe, but most of them are American.”

few – not many eg: “Few people know all the Chinese characters that exist.”

Characters – Chinese uses characters for words. One character can be one word – “There are more than 60,000 characters in Chinese.”

Pinyin – uses letters to make words – eg: “Pinyin was made to help foreigners understand Chinese.”

Letters – used to make words in English. One letter is usually not one word. eg: “There are 26 letters in English.” “A,B,C,D…Z)”

Translation(n) – to change from one language to another. eg: “My school is all in English but they have translations.”