F2F Class Notes 16th October (Jesse)

egotistic – sb who thinks they’re great
selfish – sb who cares only about themselves
arrogant – sb who thinks they’re always right 

sb who thinks they are entitled
entitled – prince / princess 

make a happy timehad a good time 

will – definitely happen in the future
would – has the idea of “if” in the sentence
eg. if it didn’t rain i wouldn’t have got wet
eg2. i wouldn’t go to the park if I were you.
eg3. i will go to work tomorrow even if it rains 

if it rains i will not care
when it rains i will not care 

when i go to work, i always drive – definite
if i go to work i will drive – probable
if i was rich i would buy a house – improbable 

I think people who live in China, the mind is more complicated than western people, specially Chinese. Because in China , people always put the first focus point on reputation, fortune and status , but for family health and habits they seems doesn’t pay attention on that. Usually We spent most of our lifetime for making money, getting promotion or have drinking time with people who we need to be related, but for the people who will need to…

I think the mindset of people who live in China, is more complicated than the mindset of western people, especially Chinese. Because in China , people always put reputation, fortune and status ,  first, but for family health and lifestyle they don’t pay attention to that. Usually we spent most of our lifetime to make money, get a promotion or have dinner with business people. However for close friends and family, they don’t get as much of our time.

spend money / time on sth / sb
spend money / time to do sth
spend money / time for sth / sb
eg. I don’t like to spend money on things I don’t need / for things I don’t need
eg2. I don’t like to spend money to do things I don’t need to do 

I think the mind of people in china is more complicated than the mind of western people.

I think the coffee at starbucks is better than the coffee at costa. 

to put sth first = to treat sth as the most important thing

usually – zhi

mindset – the way of thinking / attitude 

I have a teacher, whose name is Jesse and is a good teacher. 

simple ideas – good simple english
complex ideas – chinglishÂ