F2F Video Class Notes 16th March (Cricket)

Company Culture

-We don’t have any nap times

-We tend to be social and try to be friendly at work.

-People like to bring things to share with everyone every now and then.

Harrasment-this is taken very seriously, even if the rules are not followed. There is usually extensive training on this subject explaining to new or current employees what is allowed or not.

Things typically not allowed to be talked about at work:

-asking personal questions

-talking about religion or politics

-talking or asking about sexuality

-commenting on somebodies looks

-touching another co-worker in an inappropriate way

-dating someone who is above your position or below is not allowed

Rules on sick leave or calling in sick

-have to give employer at least 2 hours notice in advance of not showing up to work(because of being sick)

-2-3+ days calling in sick and you have to  get a doctors reccommendation stating whether you are fit to work or not

Average work day by law

-8hr shift legally allowed 2 -15minutes breaks and one 30 minute break

-usually you take your first 15 minutes after 2 hours

-your next break is lunch 2 hours later

-last break two hours before your shift ends

After work socialising with co-workers

-typically people like to go for a drink

-team building events are common


– recreation

-having a company sports team that competes with other industries or the same kind of industry

-year end party or Christmas party

– a charity event together/sponsoring a charity or cause

-paid for trip