F2F Class Notes 16th January (Joseph)

In hindsight  – When looking back in the past…. (e.g. In hindsight I actually think I should have revised more for my exam)

preparation- to get ready for something

kiosk – a small shop with an open front or a small object in a public space that provides information.

filed (fi-all-d) – to place a document in a file or cabinet/to submit documents in for review (for example after an exam you must give your exam paper to the teacher so that they can file it away)

Tax bracket – defines what taxes you need to pay depending on a number of factors such as age, income, location…

groceries (grow-ser-ies) – food items that you buy at the supermarket every 1 or 2 weeks.

except (x-sept)

vacant (vay-cant) – empty with no one in it.

separately (sep-ar-ate-ly) 分别 meaning not together.