F2F Class Notes 16th January (Celeste) [S/W]***


Writing Homework: Write a short story using the new vocabulary from this lesson. (250-300 words) Upload it in your next class.

Speaking exercise

What did you learn from the first 2 pages of chapter 2?

I learned in these 2 page, Matilda’s father is a dealer. He sells cars and he loves his son more than Matilda. In one page her father talks to Matilda she is an “ignorant twit”. Her father thinks Matilda is so stupid. He sells bad second-hand cars.


I learned from these 2 pages, Matilda’s father is a second-hand car dealer. He sells bad cars and he loves his son more than Matilda. In one page her father says to Matilda she is an “ignorant twit”. Her father thinks Matilda is so stupid.


penicillin ( pen – iss – sill – in )

eureka  ( yer – ee  – kuh )

Writing exercise

I didn’t know what “inherited” meant. It means occurring among members of a family usually by heredity. For example,his father is weak, he will inherted his father’s property.
I didn’t know what “speedometer” meant. It means a machine to calculation speed. For example,the speedometer be worm out. We must have to put in a new one.
I didn’t know what “backwards” meant. It means directed or moving towards the back. For example,he took a backward step and ran away.
I didn’t know what “obviously” meant. It means evidently. For example, you cheated in the examination room, this is obviously wrong.
I didn’t know what “scratch” meant. It means an act of scratching (a part of the body). For example, he feel a little itch so he scratch his legs.
I didn’t know what “fellow” meant. It means a boy or man. For example, I say, Selina, who’s that young fellow in white Western style clothes?
I didn’t know what “eureka” meant. It means excited to find something. For example,he
and his family are so happy because he eureka a nice job at last.
I didn’t know what “spin” meant. It means cause (sth) to go round and round. For example, you can just spin the washing and put them in the sun.It’s nearly dry.


I didn’t know what “inherited” meant. It means occurring among members of a family usually by heredity./ getting or having sth from your family. For example,his father is dying, he will inherit his father’s property.
I didn’t know what “speedometer” meant. It means a machine to calculate speed. For example, the speedometer will  wear out. We must/have to put in a new one.
I didn’t know what “backwards” meant. It means directed or moving towards the back. For example,he took a backward step and ran away.
I didn’t know what “obviously” meant. It means evidently. For example, you cheated in the examination room, this is obviously wrong.
I didn’t know what “scratch” meant. It means an act of scratching (a part of the body). For example, he feels a little itch so he scratches his legs.
I didn’t know what “fellow” meant. It means a boy or man. For example, I asked, “Selina, who’s that young fellow in white Western style clothes?”
I didn’t know what “eureka” meant. It means excited to find something. For example, he and his family are so happy because he foumd a nice job at last. He screamed, “Eureka!”
I didn’t know what “spin” meant. It means cause (sth) to go round and round. For example, can you spin around? I want to see your pretty dress!