F2F Class Notes 16th January (Celeste)***


Over the next 4 weeks in your hometown, spend some time reviewing your previous class notes. If you would like, send 1-4 email services.


I’m wearing a clothes. – I”m wearing clothes. = I’m wearing a shirt, socks, underwear, pants…

eg. I will buy new clothes for my family.


During Trump’s campaign, he promised many things to his voters.

Some people go to work by carpool. – noun / I’m carpooling with my colleagues this week. – verb

Olivia broke the TV. Her punishment is to read 5 books every night for the next week.

The usual punishment for breaking traffic laws is a fine/ticket/traffic ticket.

There is a 200 yuan fine for disorderly parking.

Writing exercise


Chandler felt that he couldn’t get along well with his new roommate, they didn’t have the same hobbies and interests. So he missed Joey more. And he even knew from Eddie’s girlfriend that Eddie was a strange character and always doubted others.
What’s worse, one night,/One strange night, Chandler woke up and found that Eddie was watching him which freaked Chandler out. Chandler yelled and screamed at Eddie to get out. Chandler commanded Eddie to move out immediately. Eddie agreed that night but the next day he pretended nothing happened.

At that time, Joey had an income problem because his TV show was finished filming/recording and  he couldn’t get lead roles anymore, only some small parts. So he couldn’t afford his new deluxe apartment. He was even in debt, so he had to sell all his furniture. He wanted to move back to Chandler’s apartment but he was too shy to tell him the truth.

One morning Chandler came to see Joey and told him what happened between him and his new roommate, Eddie. So they came up with a plan and threw all of Eddie’s  things downstairs and changed the lock of the apartment. When Eddie came back, he found he couldn’t open the door, so he knocked and found Chandler and Joey in the apartment. Chandler told Eddie that he had found a new roommate, Joey, so Eddie had to leave. At last, Chandler and Joey were living together again, so they started playing foosball.

connect = get along with sb

eg. Abby connects well with new mothers because they have a lot in common.

eg. I connected well with all my work colleagues.

That’s  a wrap – From film industry acronym “Wind reel and print” meaning rewind the film and print the rushes. Said by the director at the end of a scene, indicating that everything appears to be satisfactory.

eg. The director said, “That’s a wrap!” He was happy with the last scene.