F2F Class Notes 16th April (Cricket)[S]


memory(noun)-memorise(action of remembering)-memorabilia(object that holds a memory-something to remember by)

I would offer limited edition cosmetics at the coco cafe.

I am on maternity leave.

Speaking exercise

Today I want to talk about the cafe below on the first floor. Channels cafe while every time I walk past it I see the big lines in the front of the store. I’m very curious about what it is. What kind of interesting things are in the cafe. But unfortunately, I won’t have the chance to go in there because of the big line.  Imagine if you ran that cafe what interesting things you would do?


Today I want to talk about the cafe below on the first floor. Channels cafe while every time I walk past it I see the big lines in the front of the store. I’m very curious about what it is. What kind of interesting things are in the cafe. But unfortunately, I won’t have the chance to go in there because of the big line.  Imagine if you ran that cafe what interesting things you would do? 


version-\ˈvər-zhən, -shən\
