F2F Class Notes 15th October (Jesse) [1]

national holiday 

sister in law’s daughter 

attended a wedding / went to a marriage ceremony 

bride = the woman getting married

bride’s maids = the best friends of the woman

groom = the man getting married 

groom’s men = best friends of the guy 

The wedding is held on the bride’s property. When the bride and groom are standing in the middle of the room the host will say some good words about their future life and some well-wishes, and then they will exchange rings and their parents will also say something about their children and hope they can start a new life and love each other. After around half an hour the bride will leave her own home to go their new house.

hold a meeting / event / activity = to organise it 

property – the land that a house is on
eg. i live on a large property in the countryside 

host = a person who talks / manages an event
eg. the host will say some nice words
eg2. i will host the wedding 

change – to get a different one

exchange – to give and receive
eg. they will exchange rings at the wedding ceremony

guest = everyone else at the event that is just watching

chat / have a chat – liao yi liao
eg. we had a chat whilst eating 

come to cheers (with) everyone at the table 

piece of land / area

stage – the part that is a bit higher than the ground – used for performances
eg. they walk on the stage so we can see them easily