F2F Class Notes 15th May (Jesse)

throw up / vomit / spew 

eg. i threw up after drinking too much 

same with her – same as her

took flight came back – took a flight back

took a bus home 

took a taxi back

food poisoning 

eg. she got food poisoning and was throwing up for 2 days 

drip – dian di

eg. the doctor gave my daughter a drip 

saline solution – water + salt + sugar + vitamins 

probiotics – good bacteria 

IV – intravenous 

antibiotics – medicine that kills bacterial infection

eg. they give us antibiotics 

she recovered / she got better 

aspirin – stops fever 

resistent bacteria – bacteria that has changed to become strong and resist antibiotics

you never do that = not often 

you have never done that = 0

i always come for class when it rains

i always come for class even when it rains

i am taller than you

i am even taller than you 

i am taller than even you 

even though it rained today I still came. 

i rained today but i still came 

awful = so so bad (sick)

terrible = so so bad (scary)

horrible = so so bad (sick + scary)

mean < > niceÂ