F2F Class Notes 15th March (Tony)


workflow – the steps that need to be done to complete something

eg: “Chuyi uses Sarah’s workflow to edit her video.”

initiative N. – a quality that someone has which makes them begin things on their own and be more independent

eg: “It’s good to show initiative when you start a new job, but make sure you follow instructions.”


Events over time/ in progress


Can I… (improper grammar) Ability

May I… (proper grammar) Allowed

Me and Chuyi, Chuyi and Me (improper grammar)

Chuyi and I (Proper grammar)

Although these are improper forms of grammar they are actually more commonly used.

How did it go?

It went well, It was good (Not proper Grammar)

over time, used to describe when the event is happening,

eg: “Over spring festival I gained a lot of weight.”

How is it going?   (Life generally, over time)  (In Progress)

How is your day going?

How is work going?

Work is going good. (not proper grammar)

How has work been going recently?

Work has been going as usual.