F2F Class Notes 15th March (Tanya)


charity – organisation that helps people in need

e.g. I work with a charity: we give food to poor children in Africa.

millionaire – someone who has more than 1 million dollars 1,000,000

billionaire – someone who has more than 1 billion dollars 1,000,000,000

e.g. I’m not poor, but I’m definitely not a millionaire or a billionaire.

definitely – 肯定

e.g. I’m definitely going to class tomorrow.

gap – 差距

e.g. The gap between rich and poor is greater than we thought.

1 million = 1 000 000

1 billion = 1 000 000 000

unfair – 不公平

e.g. The gap between rich and poor is really big and really unfair.

shocking – 不像话,吃惊

e.g. It’s shocking that so many people survive on such less money.

one in ten – 1/10

Wages – money you get from working, 工资

e.g. Their wages are very low.

economics – 经济

economist – someone who studies economics, 经济专家

attack – 攻击


Listen to the recorded text and read out loud in the next class.

A report from the charity Oxfam said eight billionaires are as rich as half the world. They have as much money as the 3.6 billion poorest people. The richest man is Microsoft’s founder. He is worth $75 billion. Oxfam said: “The gap between rich and poor is far greater than [we thought].” It said this was unfair.

Oxfam said it was shocking that one in 10 people survive on less than $2 a day. This means millions of people are very, very poor. Oxfam said: “Across the world, people are being left behind. Their wages are [not going up] … yet bosses take home million-dollar bonuses.” An economist said Oxfam should not attack rich people.